Source code for mqtt_codec.packet

`mqtt_codec.packet` Package

A collection of classes used to represent MQTT control packets as
described in the specification.  The classes are, in general,
immutable; once a class has been instantiated its properties cannot be

.. uml::
    :caption: Connection Packets

    MqttFixedHeader <|-- MqttPacketBody
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttConnect
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttConnack
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttDisconnect
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttPingreq
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttPingresp

.. uml::
    :caption: Subscrube/Unsubscribe Packets

    MqttFixedHeader <|-- MqttPacketBody
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttSubscribe
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttSuback
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttUnsubscribe
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttUnsuback

.. uml::
    :caption: Publish Packets

    MqttFixedHeader <|-- MqttPacketBody
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttPublish
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttPuback
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttPubrec
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttPubrel
    MqttPacketBody <|-- MqttPubcomp


# Standard Python Packages
from __future__ import absolute_import

from binascii import b2a_hex
from io import BytesIO

# 3rd Party Packages
from enum import IntEnum, unique

# mqtt_codec packages
import as mqtt_io
from import (

[docs]class MqttControlPacketType(IntEnum): """An enumeration of MQTT control packet types as described in the MQTT 3.1.1 specification in Table 2.1 (line 239).""" connect = 1 connack = 2 publish = 3 puback = 4 pubrec = 5 pubrel = 6 pubcomp = 7 subscribe = 8 suback = 9 unsubscribe = 10 unsuback = 11 pingreq = 12 pingresp = 13 disconnect = 14
[docs]def are_flags_valid(packet_type, flags): """True when flags comply with [MQTT-2.2.2-1] requirements based on packet_type; False otherwise. Parameters ---------- packet_type: MqttControlPacketType flags: int Integer representation of 4-bit MQTT header flags field. Values outside of the range [0, 15] will certainly cause the function to return False. Returns ------- bool """ if packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.publish: rv = 0 <= flags <= 15 elif packet_type in (MqttControlPacketType.pubrel, MqttControlPacketType.subscribe, MqttControlPacketType.unsubscribe): rv = flags == 2 elif packet_type in (MqttControlPacketType.connect, MqttControlPacketType.connack, MqttControlPacketType.puback, MqttControlPacketType.pubrec, MqttControlPacketType.pubcomp, MqttControlPacketType.suback, MqttControlPacketType.unsuback, MqttControlPacketType.pingreq, MqttControlPacketType.pingresp, MqttControlPacketType.disconnect): rv = flags == 0 else: raise NotImplementedError() return rv
[docs]class MqttFixedHeader(object): """An immutable class that represents an MQTT fixed header as described in MQTT Version 3.1.1 section 2.2 (line 233). The serialized byte format is summarized as follows: +--------+-------------------------------+ | | Bit | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +========+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+ | byte 1 | control type | flags | +--------+---------------+---------------+ | byte 2 | remaining length | +--------+-------------------------------+ Raises ------- The `remaining_len` exceeds the maximum of :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` (=268435455 bytes). Parameters ---------- packet_type: MqttControlPacketType flags: int An assert statement verifies that are_flags_valid(packet_type, flags) is True. remaining_len: int Asserted to be 0 <= remaining_len <= :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` """ MAX_REMAINING_LEN = 268435455 def __init__(self, packet_type, flags, remaining_len): assert packet_type in MqttControlPacketType, packet_type self.__packet_type = packet_type if not (0 <= remaining_len <= MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN): raise OversizePacketEncodeError() assert are_flags_valid(packet_type, flags) self.__flags = flags self.__remaining_len = remaining_len size = 1 with BytesIO() as buf: mqtt_io.encode_varint(self.remaining_len, buf) size += len(buf.getvalue()) size += self.remaining_len self.__size = size @property def packet_type(self): """MqttControlPacketType: MQTT packet type of ``self``.""" return self.__packet_type @property def flags(self): """int: A value 0 <= flags <= 15 representing the 4-bit MQTT header flags field. The property is guaranteed to comply with [MQTT-2.2.2-1] requirements based on ``self.packet_type``. """ return self.__flags @property def remaining_len(self): """int: Number bytes in packet that follow the packet header.""" return self.__remaining_len @property def size(self): """int: Number bytes required to encode the packet ``self``.""" return self.__size
[docs] @staticmethod def decode(f): """Extract a `MqttFixedHeader` from ``f``. Parameters ---------- f: file Object with read method. Raises ------- DecodeError When bytes decoded have values incompatible with a `MqttFixedHeader` object. UnderflowDecodeError When end-of-stream is encountered before the end of the fixed header. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttFixedHeader Header object extracted from ``f``. """ decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(f) (byte_0,) = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8) packet_type_u4 = (byte_0 >> 4) flags = byte_0 & 0x0f try: packet_type = MqttControlPacketType(packet_type_u4) except ValueError: raise DecodeError('Unknown packet type 0x{:02x}.'.format(packet_type_u4)) if not are_flags_valid(packet_type, flags): raise DecodeError('Invalid flags for packet type.') num_bytes, num_remaining_bytes = decoder.unpack_varint(4) return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttFixedHeader(packet_type, flags, num_remaining_bytes)
[docs] def encode(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file file-like object Returns ------- int Number of bytes written. """ b = (int(self.packet_type) << 4) | self.flags f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack(b)) num_bytes_consumed = 1 num_bytes_consumed += mqtt_io.encode_varint(self.remaining_len, f) return num_bytes_consumed
[docs] def packet(self): return self
def __eq__(self, other): return ( hasattr(other, 'packet_type') and self.packet_type == other.packet_type and hasattr(other, 'flags') and self.flags == other.flags and hasattr(other, 'remaining_len') and self.remaining_len == other.remaining_len )
[docs]class MqttWill(object): """An immutable class representing an MQTT Will message as described beginning in [MQTT-3.1.2-8, line 471]. Parameters ---------- qos: int 0 <= qos <= 2 topic: str message: bytes retain: bool """ def __init__(self, qos, topic, message, retain): assert isinstance(message, bytes) self.__qos = qos self.__topic = topic self.__message = message self.__retain = retain @property def qos(self): """int: A number such that 0 <= ``self.qos`` <= 2.""" return self.__qos @property def topic(self): """str: Topic name.""" return self.__topic @property def message(self): """bytes: Will message.""" return self.__message @property def retain(self): """bool: Will retain flag as described in MQTT spec line 504 section In general, with the retain flag set the will message will be saved and published to clients as they connect to the server.""" return self.__retain def __repr__(self): msg = 'MqttWill(topic={}, payload=0x{}, retain={}, qos={})' return msg.format(self.topic, b2a_hex(self.message), self.retain, self.qos) def __eq__(self, other): return ( hasattr(other, 'qos') and self.qos == other.qos and hasattr(other, 'topic') and self.topic == other.topic and hasattr(other, 'message') and self.message == other.message and hasattr(other, 'retain') and self.retain == other.retain )
[docs]class MqttPacketBody(MqttFixedHeader): """ Raises ------- The message body is impossibly large to create an MQTT packet for. It must be greater than :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` (=268435455 bytes) in order to cause this error. Parameters ---------- packet_type: MqttControlPacketType flags: int Flags 0 <= flags <= 2**8-1. """ def __init__(self, packet_type, flags): bio = BytesIO() self.encode_body(bio) num_body_bytes = len(bio.getvalue()) MqttFixedHeader.__init__(self, packet_type, flags, num_body_bytes)
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def encode(self, f): num_bytes_written = 0 num_bytes_written += MqttFixedHeader.encode(self, f) num_bytes_written += self.encode_body(f) return num_bytes_written
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, buf): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def decode(cls, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file Object with a read method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttFixedHeader Header object extracted from ``f``. """ num_header_bytes_consumed, header = MqttFixedHeader.decode(f) num_body_bytes_consumed, packet = cls.decode_body(header, f) if header.remaining_len != num_body_bytes_consumed: params = header.remaining_len, num_body_bytes_consumed msg = 'Header remaining length {} not equal to body bytes consumed {}.'.format(*params) raise DecodeError(msg) num_bytes_consumed = num_header_bytes_consumed + num_body_bytes_consumed return num_bytes_consumed, packet
[docs]class MqttConnect(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT connect object as in MQTT 3.1 (line 364). The value of str(self) will have the username and password obscured so that it can be placed in logfiles without compromising the connection username and password. The value or repr(self) does not obscure the username and password. Raises ------- The parameters are impossible large to create an MQTT packet for. It encoded length must be greater than :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` (=268435455 bytes) in order to cause this error. Parameters ---------- client_id: str clean_session: bool keep_alive: int 0 <= keep_alive <= 2**16-1 username: str or None password: str or None will: MqttWill or None """ CONNECT_HEADER = b'\x00\x04MQTT' PROTOCOL_LEVEL = b'\x04' def __init__(self, client_id, clean_session, keep_alive, username=None, password=None, will=None): assert isinstance(client_id, (str, unicode)) assert 0 <= keep_alive <= 2**16-1 self.__client_id = client_id self.__username = username self.__password = password self.__clean_session = clean_session self.__keep_alive = keep_alive self.__will = will MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.connect, 0) @property def client_id(self): """str: Client id.""" return self.__client_id @property def username(self): """str or None: MQTT username.""" return self.__username @property def password(self): """str or None: MQTT password.""" return self.__password @property def clean_session(self): """bool: MQTT password.""" return self.__clean_session @property def keep_alive(self): """int: Keep alive period as described in MQTT 3.1.1 specification When zero keep-alive is disabled. If positive then after `self.keep_alive` seconds of inactivity the client will send a ping to the server.""" return self.__keep_alive @property def will(self): """MqttWill or None: A message that will be published on behalf of the client by the server in case of an unexpected disconnect. If `None` then the server does not publish any message on behalf of the client.""" return self.__will @staticmethod def __encode_name(f): f.write(MqttConnect.CONNECT_HEADER) return len(MqttConnect.CONNECT_HEADER) @staticmethod def __encode_protocol_level(f): f.write(MqttConnect.PROTOCOL_LEVEL) return 1 def __encode_connect_flags(self, f): flags = 0x00 if self.username: flags = flags | 0x80 if self.password: flags = flags | 0x40 if self.will is not None: flags = flags | 0x04 if self.will.retain: flags = flags | 0x20 if self.will.qos: flags = flags | (self.will.qos << 3) if self.clean_session: flags = flags | 0x02 f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack(flags)) return 1 def __encode_keep_alive(self, f): f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack((self.keep_alive & 0xff00) >> 8)) f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack(self.keep_alive & 0x00ff)) return 2
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with a write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to ``f``. """ num_bytes_written = 0 num_bytes_written += self.__encode_name(f) num_bytes_written += self.__encode_protocol_level(f) num_bytes_written += self.__encode_connect_flags(f) num_bytes_written += self.__encode_keep_alive(f) num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_utf8(self.client_id, f) if self.will is not None: num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_utf8(self.will.topic, f) num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_bytes(self.will.message, f) if self.username is not None: num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_utf8(self.username, f) if self.password is not None: num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_utf8(self.password, f) return num_bytes_written
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """ Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file File-like object with a read method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttConnect Object extracted from ``f``. """ decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) connect_header = if connect_header != MqttConnect.CONNECT_HEADER: raise DecodeError('Invalid connect packet header.') protocol_level = if protocol_level != MqttConnect.PROTOCOL_LEVEL: raise DecodeError('Invalid protocol level {}.'.format(protocol_level)) flags = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8)[0] has_username = bool(flags & 0x80) has_password = bool(flags & 0x40) has_will = bool(flags & 0x04) will_retained = bool(flags & 0x20) will_qos = (flags & 0x18) >> 3 clean_session = bool(flags & 0x02) zero = flags & 0x01 if zero != 0: raise DecodeError('Invalid flags; bit 0 should be zero.') keep_alive = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16)[0] num_str_byes, client_id = decoder.unpack_utf8() if has_will: num_str_byes, will_topic = decoder.unpack_utf8() num_bytes, will_message = decoder.unpack_bytes() will = MqttWill(will_qos, will_topic, will_message, will_retained) else: if will_qos != 0: raise DecodeError('Expected will_qos to be zero since will flag is zero. [MQTT-3.1.2-13]') will = None if has_username: num_str_byes, username = decoder.unpack_utf8() else: username = None if has_password: num_str_byes, password = decoder.unpack_utf8() else: password = None connect = MqttConnect(client_id, clean_session, keep_alive, username, password, will) return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, connect
def __str__(self): """Returns a str representation of self. The username and password fields will be hashed out so that if the result of this call is placed in logfiles it will not compromise the username and password. Returns ------- str """ msg = 'MqttConnect(client_id={}, clean_session={}, keep_alive={}, username=***, password=***, will={})' return msg.format(repr(self.client_id), self.clean_session, self.keep_alive, repr(self.will)) def __repr__(self): """A full string representation of the object including username and password. It might not be good to write this result to a log file. Returns ------- str """ msg = 'MqttConnect(client_id={}, clean_session={}, keep_alive={}, username={}, password={}, will={})' return msg.format(repr(self.client_id), self.clean_session, self.keep_alive, repr(self.username), repr(self.password), self.will)
[docs]@unique class ConnackResult(IntEnum): """ConnackResult codes as enumerated in Table 3.1 (line 709) of the MQTT 3.1.1 specification. """ # Attributes # ----------- # accepted: int # fail_bad_protocol_version: int # Connection Refused, unacceptable protocol version. The Server # does not support the level of the MQTT protocol requested by the # Client # fail_bad_client_id: int # Connection Refused, identifier rejected. The client identifier # is correct UTF-8 but not allowed by the server. # fail_server_unavailable: int # Connection refused, server unavailable. The network connection # has been made but the MQTT service is unavailable. # fail_bad_username_or_password: int # Connection refused, bad user name or password. The data in the # user name or password is malformed. # fail_not_authorized: int # Connection refused, not authorized. The client is not # authorized to connect. accepted = 0 fail_bad_protocol_version = 1 fail_bad_client_id = 2 fail_server_unavailable = 3 fail_bad_username_or_password = 4 fail_not_authorized = 5
[docs]class MqttConnack(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Connack packet as described in MQTT 3.2 (line 655). Parameters ---------- session_present: bool Session present. return_code: ConnackResult """ def __init__(self, session_present, return_code): assert 0 <= return_code <= 255 assert isinstance(session_present, bool) assert isinstance(return_code, ConnackResult) self.__session_present = session_present self.__return_code = return_code MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.connack, 0) @property def session_present(self): """bool: Session present flag as described in MQTT line 676.""" return self.__session_present @property def return_code(self): """ConnackResult: Result of the connect as described in MQTT line 701.""" return self.__return_code
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ num_bytes_written = 2 if self.session_present: flags = 1 else: flags = 0 f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack(flags)) f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack(self.return_code)) return num_bytes_written
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """ Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When bytes have values incompatible with a MqttConnack packet. UnderflowDecodeError When not enough bytes are available to decode a complete packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttConnack Object extracted from ``f``. """ decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) session_present_u8 = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8)[0] if session_present_u8 == 0: session_present = False elif session_present_u8 == 1: session_present = True else: raise DecodeError('Incorrectly encoded session_present flag ({}).'.format(session_present_u8)) return_code_u8 = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8)[0] try: return_code = ConnackResult(return_code_u8) except ValueError: raise DecodeError("Unrecognized return code {}.".format(return_code_u8)) return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttConnack(session_present, return_code)
def __repr__(self): msg = 'MqttConnack(session_present={}, return_code={})' return msg.format(self.session_present, repr(self.return_code))
[docs]class MqttTopic(object): """ Parameters ---------- name: str max_qos: int Maximum qos to be granted by server to client. """ def __init__(self, name, max_qos): if not 0 <= max_qos <= 2: raise ValueError('Invalid QOS.') self.__name = name self.__max_qos = max_qos @property def name(self): """str: Topic name.""" return self.__name @property def max_qos(self): """int: Maximum qos to be granted by server to client.""" return self.__max_qos def __repr__(self): return 'Topic({}, max_qos={})'.format(repr(, self.max_qos) def __eq__(self, other): return ( hasattr(other, 'name') and == and hasattr(other, 'max_qos') and self.max_qos == other.max_qos )
[docs]class MqttSubscribe(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Subscribe packet as described in MQTT 3.8 (line 908). Raises ------- The parameters are impossibly large to create an MQTT packet for. The encoded length must be greater than :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` (=268435455 bytes) in order to cause this error. Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1 topics: iterable of MqttTopic """ def __init__(self, packet_id, topics): self.__packet_id = packet_id self.__topics = tuple(topics) if isinstance(topics, (str, unicode, bytes)): raise TypeError() assert len(topics) >= 1 # MQTT 3.8.3-3 flags = 2 # MQTT 3.8.1-1 MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.subscribe, flags) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id @property def topics(self): """tuple of MqttTopic: Topics requested in subscribe.""" return self.__topics
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ num_bytes_written = 0 num_bytes_written += f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id)) for topic in self.topics: num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_utf8(, f) num_bytes_written += f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack(topic.max_qos)) return num_bytes_written
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttSubscribe` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `subscribe`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttSubscribe Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.subscribe decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_PACKET_ID) topics = [] while header.remaining_len > decoder.num_bytes_consumed: num_str_bytes, name = decoder.unpack_utf8() max_qos, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8) try: sub_topic = MqttTopic(name, max_qos) except ValueError: raise DecodeError('Invalid QOS {}'.format(max_qos)) topics.append(sub_topic) assert header.remaining_len == decoder.num_bytes_consumed return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttSubscribe(packet_id, topics)
def __repr__(self): return 'MqttSubscribe(packet_id={}, topics=[{}])'.format(self.packet_id, ', '.join(repr(t) for t in self.topics)) def __eq__(self, other): return ( hasattr(other, 'packet_type') and self.packet_type == other.packet_type and hasattr(other, 'flags') and self.flags == other.flags and hasattr(other, 'remaining_len') and self.remaining_len == other.remaining_len and hasattr(other, 'packet_id') and self.packet_id == other.packet_id and hasattr(other, 'topics') and self.topics == other.topics )
[docs]class SubscribeResult(IntEnum): qos0 = 0x00 qos1 = 0x01 qos2 = 0x02 fail = 0x80 def qos(self): """ Raises ------- TypeError If result is not a qos. Returns ------- int QOS as an integer """ if self == SubscribeResult.qos0: rv = 0 elif self == SubscribeResult.qos1: rv = 1 elif self == SubscribeResult.qos2: rv = 2 else: raise TypeError() return rv
[docs]class MqttSuback(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Subscribe packet as described in MQTT 3.9 (line 1007). Raises ------- There are too many results to create an MQTT packet for. The encoded lenght must be greater than :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` (=268435455 bytes) in order to cause this error. Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1 results: iterable of SubscribeResult """ def __init__(self, packet_id, results): self.__packet_id = packet_id self.__results = tuple(results) assert len(self.results) >= 1 # MQTT 3.8.3-3 flags = 0 MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.suback, flags) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet_id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id @property def results(self): """tuple of SubscribeResult: Tuple of return codes specifying the maximum QoS level that was granted in each or fail if the subscription failed. """ return self.__results
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ num_bytes_written = 0 num_bytes_written += f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id)) for result in self.results: num_bytes_written += f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8.pack(int(result))) return num_bytes_written
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttSuback` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `suback`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttSuback Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.suback decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_PACKET_ID) results = [] while header.remaining_len > decoder.num_bytes_consumed: result, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U8) try: results.append(SubscribeResult(result)) except ValueError: raise DecodeError('Unsupported result {:02x}.'.format(result)) assert header.remaining_len == decoder.num_bytes_consumed return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttSuback(packet_id, results)
def __repr__(self): return 'MqttSuback(packet_id={}, results=[{}])'.format(self.packet_id, ', '.join(repr(r) for r in self.results))
[docs]class MqttPublish(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Publish packet as described in MQTT 3.3 (line 715). Raises ------- The encoded length of parameters is too long to create an MQTT packet for. The encoded length must be greater than :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` (=268435455 bytes) in order to cause this error. Shorten the payload or topic to allow the message to fit. Parameters ---------- packet_id: int Integer such that 0 <= packet_id <= (2**16)-1. When this object is constructed by the decoder and the QoS is 0 then the decoder will assign this property a value of zero. This property is not used by the encoder. These behaviours are in accordance with the MQTT 3.1.1 specification at 3.3.1-2. This property is fully encodec/decoded for QoS=1 and QoS=2, again, according to the MQTT specification. topic: str payload: bytes dupe: bool Represents the DUP flag as described by the MQTT specification: If the DUP flag is set to 0, it indicates that this is the first occasion that the Client or Server has attempted to send this MQTT PUBLISH Packet. If the DUP flag is set to 1, it indicates that this might be re-delivery of an earlier attempt to send the Packet. The DUP flag MUST be set to 1 by the Client or Server when it attempts to re-deliver a PUBLISH Packet [MQTT-3.3.1-1]. The DUP flag MUST be set to 0 for all QoS 0 messages [MQTT-3.3.1-2]. The value of the DUP flag from an incoming PUBLISH packet is not propagated when the PUBLISH Packet is sent to subscribers by the Server. The DUP flag in the outgoing PUBLISH packet is set independently to the incoming PUBLISH packet, its value MUST be determined solely by whether the outgoing PUBLISH packet is a retransmission [MQTT-3.3.1-3]. qos: int 0 <= qos <= 2 retain: bool Attributes ---------- packet_id : int Integer such that 0 <= packet_id <= (2**16)-1. When this object is constructed by the decoder and the QoS is 0 then the decoder will assign this property a value of zero. This property is not used by the encoder. These behaviours are in accordance with the MQTT 3.1.1 specification at 3.3.1-2. This property is fully encodec/decoded for QoS=1 and QoS=2, again, according to the MQTT specification. topic : str payload : bytes dupe : bool Represents the DUP flag as described by the MQTT specification: If the DUP flag is set to 0, it indicates that this is the first occasion that the Client or Server has attempted to send this MQTT PUBLISH Packet. If the DUP flag is set to 1, it indicates that this might be re-delivery of an earlier attempt to send the Packet. The DUP flag MUST be set to 1 by the Client or Server when it attempts to re-deliver a PUBLISH Packet [MQTT-3.3.1-1]. The DUP flag MUST be set to 0 for all QoS 0 messages [MQTT-3.3.1-2]. The value of the DUP flag from an incoming PUBLISH packet is not propagated when the PUBLISH Packet is sent to subscribers by the Server. The DUP flag in the outgoing PUBLISH packet is set independently to the incoming PUBLISH packet, its value MUST be determined solely by whether the outgoing PUBLISH packet is a retransmission [MQTT-3.3.1-3]. qos : int Integer such that 0 <= qos <= 2. retain: bool """ def __init__(self, packet_id, topic, payload, dupe, qos, retain): assert 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16 - 1 assert 0 <= qos <= 2 assert isinstance(payload, bytes) assert isinstance(dupe, bool) assert isinstance(retain, bool) if qos == 0: # The DUP flag MUST be set to 0 for all QoS 0 messages # [MQTT-3.3.1-2] assert dupe is False self.__packet_id = packet_id self.__topic = topic self.__payload = payload self.__dupe = dupe self.__qos = qos self.__retain = retain flags = 0 if dupe: flags |= 0x08 flags |= (qos << 1) if retain: flags |= 0x01 MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.publish, flags) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1. MQTT does not use this property for QoS=0 packets. The deserializers will set this field to zero for QoS=0 packets. When serializing QoS=0 packets this property's value is not placed in the output. For non-QoS=0 packets (ie. QoS=1, QoS=2) this property is serialized and deserialized as expected.""" return self.__packet_id @property def topic(self): return self.__topic @property def payload(self): return self.__payload @property def dupe(self): return self.__dupe @property def qos(self): return self.__qos @property def retain(self): return self.__retain
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ num_bytes_written = 0 num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_utf8(self.topic, f) if self.qos != 0: # See MQTT 3.1.1 section # See num_bytes_written += f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id)) num_bytes_written += f.write(self.payload) return num_bytes_written
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttPublish` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `publish`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttPublish Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.publish dupe = bool(header.flags & 0x08) retain = bool(header.flags & 0x01) qos = ((header.flags & 0x06) >> 1) if qos == 0 and dupe: # The DUP flag MUST be set to 0 for all QoS 0 messages # [MQTT-3.3.1-2] raise DecodeError("Unexpected dupe=True for qos==0 message [MQTT-3.3.1-2].") decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) num_bytes_consumed, topic_name = decoder.unpack_utf8() if qos != 0: # See MQTT 3.1.1 section # See packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_PACKET_ID) else: packet_id = 0 payload_len = header.remaining_len - decoder.num_bytes_consumed payload = return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttPublish(packet_id, topic_name, payload, dupe, qos, retain)
def __repr__(self): msg = 'MqttPublish(packet_id={}, topic={}, payload=0x{}, dupe={}, qos={}, retain={})' return msg.format( self.packet_id, repr(self.topic), b2a_hex(self.payload), self.dupe, self.qos, self.retain)
[docs]class MqttPuback(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Puback packet as described in MQTT 3.4 (line 838). Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16 -1 """ def __init__(self, packet_id): self.__packet_id = packet_id MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.puback, 0) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id))
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttPuback` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `puback`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttPuback Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.puback decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16) if header.remaining_len != decoder.num_bytes_consumed: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttPuback(packet_id)
def __repr__(self): msg = 'MqttPuback(packet_id={})' return msg.format(self.packet_id)
[docs]class MqttPubrec(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of MQTT Pubrec packet as described in MQTT 3.5 (line 853). Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16 -1 """ def __init__(self, packet_id): self.__packet_id = packet_id MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.pubrec, 0) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id))
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttPubrec` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `pubrec`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttPubrec Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.pubrec decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16) if header.remaining_len != decoder.num_bytes_consumed: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttPubrec(packet_id)
def __repr__(self): msg = 'MqttPubrec(packet_id={})' return msg.format(self.packet_id)
[docs]class MqttPubrel(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of MQTT Pubrel packet as described in MQTT 3.6 (line 869). Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16 -1 """ def __init__(self, packet_id): self.__packet_id = packet_id MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.pubrel, 2) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id))
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttPubrel` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `pubrel`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttPubrel Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.pubrel decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16) if header.remaining_len != decoder.num_bytes_consumed: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttPubrel(packet_id)
def __repr__(self): msg = 'MqttPubrel(packet_id={})' return msg.format(self.packet_id)
[docs]class MqttPubcomp(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of MQTT Pubrec packet as described in MQTT 3.7 (line 890). Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16 -1 """ def __init__(self, packet_id): assert isinstance(packet_id, int) assert 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1 self.__packet_id = packet_id MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.pubcomp, 0) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id))
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttPubcomp` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `pubcomp`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttPubcomp Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.pubcomp decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16) if header.remaining_len != decoder.num_bytes_consumed: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttPubcomp(packet_id)
def __repr__(self): msg = 'MqttPubcomp(packet_id={})' return msg.format(self.packet_id)
[docs]class MqttUnsubscribe(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of MQTT Unsubscribe packet as described in MQTT 3.10 (line 1044). Raises ------- The encoded length of topic parameters is too long to create an MQTT packet for. The encoded lenghth must be greater than :const:`MqttFixedHeader.MAX_REMAINING_LEN` (=268435455 bytes) in order to cause this error. Shorten the number of topics or the length of the topic strings. Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16 -1 topics: iterable of str """ def __init__(self, packet_id, topics): self.__packet_id = packet_id self.__topics = tuple(topics) if isinstance(topics, (str, unicode, bytes)): raise TypeError() assert len(topics) >= 1 # MQTT 3.10.3-2 flags = 2 # MQTT 3.10.1-1 MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.unsubscribe, flags) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id @property def topics(self): """tuple of str: Topics to be unsubscribed.""" return self.__topics
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ num_bytes_written = 0 num_bytes_written += f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id)) for topic in self.topics: num_bytes_written += mqtt_io.encode_utf8(topic, f) return num_bytes_written
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttUnsubscribe` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `unsubscribe`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttUnsubscribe Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.unsubscribe decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_PACKET_ID) topics = [] while header.remaining_len > decoder.num_bytes_consumed: num_str_bytes, topic = decoder.unpack_utf8() topics.append(topic) assert header.remaining_len - decoder.num_bytes_consumed == 0 return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttUnsubscribe(packet_id, topics)
def __repr__(self): return 'MqttUnsubscribe(packet_id={}, topics=[{}])'.format(self.packet_id, ', '.join(self.topics))
[docs]class MqttUnsuback(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Unsuback packet as described in MQTT 3.11 (line 1093). Parameters ---------- packet_id: int 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1 """ def __init__(self, packet_id): self.__packet_id = packet_id MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.unsuback, 0) @property def packet_id(self): """int: packet id such that 0 <= packet_id <= 2**16-1.""" return self.__packet_id
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return f.write(mqtt_io.FIELD_U16.pack(self.packet_id))
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttUnsuback` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `unsuback`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttUnsuback Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.unsuback decoder = mqtt_io.FileDecoder(mqtt_io.LimitReader(f, header.remaining_len)) packet_id, = decoder.unpack(mqtt_io.FIELD_PACKET_ID) if header.remaining_len != decoder.num_bytes_consumed: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return decoder.num_bytes_consumed, MqttUnsuback(packet_id)
def __repr__(self): return 'MqttUnsuback(packet_id={})'.format(self.packet_id)
[docs]class MqttPingreq(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Pingreq packet as described in MQTT 3.12 (line 1109). """ def __init__(self): MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.pingreq, 0)
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return 0
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttPingreq` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `pingreq`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttPingreq Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.pingreq if header.remaining_len != 0: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return 0, MqttPingreq()
def __repr__(self): return 'MqttPingreq()'
[docs]class MqttPingresp(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Pingresp packet as described in MQTT 3.13 (line 1126).""" def __init__(self): MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.pingresp, 0)
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return 0
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a `MqttPingresp` packet given a `MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is `pingresp`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttPingresp Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.pingresp if header.remaining_len != 0: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return 0, MqttPingresp()
def __repr__(self): return 'MqttPingresp()'
[docs]class MqttDisconnect(MqttPacketBody): """An immutable representation of an MQTT Disconnect packet as described in MQTT 3.14 (line 1138).""" def __init__(self): MqttPacketBody.__init__(self, MqttControlPacketType.disconnect, 0)
[docs] def encode_body(self, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: file File-like object with write method. Returns ------- int Number of bytes written to file. """ return 0
[docs] @classmethod def decode_body(cls, header, f): """Generates a :class:`MqttDisconnect` packet given a :class:`MqttFixedHeader`. This method asserts that header.packet_type is :const:`MqttControlPacketType.disconnect`. Parameters ---------- header: MqttFixedHeader f: file Object with a read method. Raises ------ DecodeError When there are extra bytes at the end of the packet. Returns ------- int Number of bytes consumed from ``f``. MqttDisconnect Object extracted from ``f``. """ assert header.packet_type == MqttControlPacketType.disconnect if header.remaining_len != 0: raise DecodeError('Extra bytes at end of packet.') return 0, MqttDisconnect()
def __repr__(self): return 'MqttDisconnect()'